Complaints and Concerns

If you have a safeguarding concern, please see our safeguarding policy here.
If you've got other concerns about the behaviour of someone from the churches, and it's safe to do so, Matthew 18.15 encourages you to approach them directly. ("If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.") If the issue can't be resolved between the two of you, the next step might be to approach a leader in the church family to help you - the clergy will always be happy to help if they can. If your complaint is about a member of the clergy, there is a formal and external process you can follow that's explained here.
If for any reason you want to take a concern to someone outside the church families at St John's, St Martin's and St James, (whether or not you want to make a formal complaint), you can contact the Archdeacon for Stoke on Trent, whose contact details are available here.
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