St James Tots is a toddler group for
preschoolers and their parents/carers.
The 'Tots' group restarted on 20th April 2023
and the leaders are Annette Beech and Sue Taylor with a team of helpers providing refreshments.
Spaces are be limited, so if you'd like to register an interest in joining the group, please could you send us a message through our Facebook group if already a member, or by using the Contact Us page.
Thursday mornings during term time, 9 to 11am
in St James Church Hall, Audley.
£1.50 for 1 adult + 1 child, 50p per child for additional children.
There are hot drinks, biscuits, snack time for the children, and craft.

Children and others who may be vulnerable are always welcome at any of our services, and are an integral part of life in each of the church families.
We take their safety very seriously indeed, and
our latest safeguarding policy is available here and
further information and links to support can be found here. If you have any concerns about children or vulnerable adults at church, please contact one of our safeguarding team immediately. You can contact our safeguarding officers (Ann McCabe for St James and St John's, Dave Howe for St Martin's) by emailing jmjsafeguarding@gmail.com. If you'd prefer to talk to someone outside the churches here, Lichfield Diocese Safeguarding team can be called on 01543 306030 (0303 003 1111 out of office hours). If you suspect someone is in immediate harm, please call 999 straight away.
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Website Admin JJC, 17/01/2022