Financial Giving
Jesus’ gift of Eternal Life is free to all who accept it, and we want to make it available for free, which is why we don’t pass round a collection plate in our services. If you’re looking into Christianity or visiting us, please don’t feel under any obligation to give financially to the churches.
If you’re a committed Christian, then the Bible speaks of the privilege and blessing of financial giving. Many people who give regularly to the churches do this through a standing order to a specific PCC. Others prefer to use offering envelopes for their church. However you give, if you are a UK tax payer we ask that you consider completing a Gift Aid declaration so that the treasurer can reclaim 25p on every £1 you give.
The Christian Workers Trust (CWT) is a separate charity and is supported entirely through the generosity of the local church family. It currently provides a grant to St James covering the cost of employing the Benefice Administrator.
If you have any questions about how to give, or the finances of the churches or CWT, please ask the Benefice Office for the contact details of the relevant Treasurer or speak to them directly.
Each of the three churches has its own treasurer. The St James and St Johns Treasurers and the St James Giving Secretary are pictured below. You can obtain details of the St Martins treasurer using the contact us page or by asking the St Martins church wardens.

If you w
ould like to give online to St James Church please click here (please note that this enables you to give online to the St James PCC account and does not donate to St Martins, St Johns , the Christian Workers Trust or to the JMJ Benefice.
Or you can scan this QR code to take you to the St James 'Give a little' page
St John's Treasurer
Donna Wilcox
St James Treasurer
Janice Eatough
St James PCC is registered with the Charity Commission. Charity no. 1134853
St Martin’s PCC and St John’s PCC are excepted charities
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